This includes Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed)'s "Destroy Everything!" and Raditz's "I Am A Top-Class Warrior!". Calling Your Attacks: Zig-zagged, as some moves are named after a quote the user has said in the anime/manga.It may have a pathetically short range and does little to no damage, but Goten launches the attack immediately when commanded, and should it hit, it can instantly knock his opponent down, making it a perfect combo breaker. Goten's "Here We Go!" Super Attack has him throwing a rock at his opponent.Not as powerful as the Kamehameha or Galick Gun, but it charges fast.
Like in the Tenkaichi series, the Full Power Energy Wave.Battle Intro: Which can change depending on the match up.It doesn't help that the Kaioken also requires a certain amount of Ki to activate, so by the time you do reach times 3, you'll be left without any energy needed to pull of some of the more flashier combos. However, just like in Budokai, further stacking of the Kaioken results in a faster Ki drain, and at level 3, your Ki drains quick. Like in Budokai, you can equip Goku with the Kaioken skill in order to boost his strength mid-battle, and just like in Budokai, you can stack it up to three times to further overclock Goku's abilities.Piccolo and Goku's "Full-Nelson Special Beam Cannon" may deal a lot of damage, but being a Taking You with Me attack by nature, it also puts your Goku in a critical state (unless you were smart enough to equip him with an item that regenerates his health before hand).You're better off launching it point blank after stunning the enemy. For something as iconic and damaging as the Kamehameha, it has a long windup time.